
June 30, 2012

8:30-18:00 Registration

同時通訳有Opening Ceremony


同時通訳有Keynote Speech 1

"Global Efforts on DRR through ISDR System(TBC)"

Dr. Hiroko Minami
President, University of Kochi, Japan

Ms. Margareta Wahlström
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction(TBC)

同時通訳有Relay Presentation 1

Dr. Il Young Yoo
Yonsei University, Korea


"Current Health Issues Facing by Nurses and Midwives in the WPR"

Dr. Kathleen Fritsch

Regional Adviser in Nursing, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO)

"Current Health Issues Facing by Nurses and Midwives in the SEARO"

Dr. Prakin Suchaxaya

Regional Adviser for Nursing and Midwifery, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO)

"WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing & Midwifery, and Global Network of WHOCCs:, vision, mission, challenges and strengths."

Dr. Isabel, Amélia Costa Mendes

Secretary General, Global Network of WHOCC for Nursing and Midwifery

"Competing ethical obligation in disaster nursing"

Dr. Samantha Pang

Director of WHOCC for Community Health Services, Head of School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

12:15-13:30 Break

同時通訳有Relay Presentation 2

"Topic related to the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster"


Dr. Noriko Katada

Chair of Disaster Committee of Japan Association of Nursing Programs in University, Dean of College of Nursing Art & Science, University of Hyogo, Japan


Dr. Toshiko Yoshida

Dean of School of Nursing, Miyagi University, Japan

Ms. Yoshiko S.Leibowitz

President of Aomori Health University, Japan

Dr. Aiko Yamamoto

Executive Director of Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community (WHOCC), University of Hyogo, Japan


同時通訳有Relay Presentation 3


Dr. Kim Usher

Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research Capacity Building


"Urbanization, Climate Change and Disasters"

Dr. Arturo Pesigan

WHO Kobe Centre, Japan

"2012 World Health Day Campaign on Ageing and Health: Good Health Adds Life to Years"

Dr. Megumi Kano

WHO Kobe Centre, Japan

15:30-16:00 Break

同時通訳有Keynote Speech 2

"Transforming Nursing Education: Implications of the Carnegie National Nursing Education Study (USA)"


Dr. Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani

Vice-Director, WHOCC for Nursing Research Development, Brazil

Dr. Patricia E. Benner
Professor Emerita in the School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, USA
18:00-20:00 Reception

July 1, 2012

8:30-16:30 Registration
9:00-10:20 Oral Presentation with PosterⅠ
10:20-10:30 Break
10:30-11:50 Oral Presentation with PosterⅡ
11:50-13:30 Break
13:30-14:50 Oral Presentation with PosterⅢ
14:50-15:00 Break
15:00-16:20 Oral Presentation with PosterⅣ
16:20-16:30 Break
16:30-17:00 Closing
*"Good Presentation Award" will be held.